Pain at base of skull top of neck is very hard. Also, This pain may happen because of a lot of causes. When we feel Pain in any part of our body we feel that it can damage our lives. There are a lot of various types of conditions or diseases. Some of Pain at base of skull top of neck or any pain all over the body as general may be common. In this case, it will be easy to treat.
On the other hand, it may be uncommon So you have to get the fast medical check. Pain at base of skull top of neck very sensitive and critical. I will answer the following questions that you need to ask:
- Did you feel any real pain at base of skull top of neck before?
- How can Treat Pain at base of skull top of neck?
- What are the basics causes of Pain at base of skull top of neck?
Pain at base of skull top of neck treatment Guide:
Here in this post, You Can Consider it as your basic guide in Pain Treatment we will cover the basics points in Pain at base of skull top of neck which are:
- What are the causes of pain in the back of your neck and head?
- Pain at the base of the skull during impressed.
- How Can Pain at base of skull top of neck be treated?
- Details of the Pain in back of the head at the base of skull and neck.
- (Pain at base of skull top of neck From Stress)
- The Pain at the base of skull right side.
- All Details of Pain at the base of skull Right side Factors and Conditions:
- Details of pain in the back of the head on right side.
- Pain at the base of skull left-hand faction.
- The Pain at the base of skull Left side Factors and Conditions:
Hope it will be useful for you. If you have any other question feel free to leave it on the comment side under the post.
What are the causes of pain in the back of your neck and head?
A huge amount of various causes of pain in the back of your neck and head. This pain makes a very disturbed headache. A headache may exist in more than one area of your body. We can know the specific reason for pain upon to the location and type of the headache pain in your body.
- The pain of Arthritis headaches: This pain comes when the neck area is swelling. This type of pain causes another hard pain in the neck and head area.
- The pain of Herniated disks: This creates some tension in the back, neck, and shoulders. Also, this tension can cause a real headache. You will feel some dull, Pain at base of skull top of neck.
- The pain of Occipital neuralgia: The basic of this pain it the nerves that can happen from a spinal cord to the scalp is damaged. This constantly frustrated with some migraines. This pain also causes aching, sharp, throbbing pain starts at the base of the head in the neck. This pain can move towards the scalp.
How Can Pain at base of skull top of neck be treated? The pain at the base of the skull when impressed.
The core idea that comes to your mind that how can pain at base of skull top of neck be treated. This hard pain you need to treat and end with simple hacks. There are some simple exercises can treat the pain and make you feel better. To treat with the pain at base of skull top of neck you need firstly know the reason. Some of the Basic Causes of this pain are the bad mattress of the pillow or the stress.
Upon to the cause, you will treat with any pain all over your body. The easiest, simple and familiar way you can use to treat the pain is making some Exercises. The basic neck exercises can be made at home by you.
Details of the Pain in back of the head at the base of skull and neck:
Pain at base of skull top of neck From Stress
Stress is a very tough enemy for your body. It causes a lot of pain all over the body. The pain at base of skull top of neck can be caused by stress. If So, There are some simple hacks you can do simply with yourself to relieve this hard pain. The following exercises and hacks You will do at home will solve the pain at base of skull top of the neck simply in some weeks. Also, these exercises can solve the problem of all neck pain which caused by stress.
The exercises of stiff neck relief:
One of the most effective pain home treatment. There are two exercises can be done daily at your home:
The neck mobility and Stretching of the neck muscles.
Here is your basic guide to doing the exercises at home with yourself simply Keep reading and I will explain every exercise in some details
The neck mobility:
To restore your neck mobility Follow these steps:
- Put a towel around your neck and wrap it.
- Take the right side of your towel with your left hand and the left side with your right hand.
- And Now you can lift your hand which is in front up until your towel is both of them at the same height as the cheek.
- Then pull with your arm and a towel your head in the full rotation to the side.
- Do all of the following up to 10 times.
The Stretching of the neck muscles:
The stretching of the neck muscles is our second magical exercise that is designed to help stretch the neck muscles. All of This core muscle that can get tight is the trapezius muscle. If you have a headache almost this is the main cause of it. If you want to feel better just follow this exact steps to get perfect results.
- First of all, put your hand on the top of your head.
- Pull down the head to Bend the sideways of your neck.
- Now you can rotate your neck a little bit to the same side.
- Then now feel the trapezius stretching on the other side.
- Then wait for ten seconds on hold.
- Repeat the above steps up to 3 times.
The Pain at the base of skull right-hand faction. Details of pain in the back of the head on the right side:
Do you feel a headache on your skull right side? Are you feel happy in your life? Is this any relationship between pain or a headache and happiness?
Yes, There is a strong relationship between happiness and pain. Your lifestyle is a very important factor that affects your health especially feeling pain. When you have stress you will feel pain. So Try to reduce your life stress to keep your body healthy without pain. On the other hand, Lifestyle factors are not the only reasons for pain causes.
Pain at the base of skull right side Factors and Conditions:
There are some other factors can cause pain at the base of skull right side may be of Medication overuse or lifestyle causes or Neurological causes or allergies and Infections.
- lifestyle causes: The lifestyle factors that can cause pain divided o the following: Fatigue – stress- skipping meals – fatigue and muscle problems in your neck
- Medication overuse: The wrong use of medication overuse even you take to treat a headache can use great pain So, you have to take care of yourself and avoid overuse.
- Neurological causes: Here we can talk about Occipital neuralgia: we can find two occipital nerves in the upper area of your neck spine these which run through all of your muscles to the scalp. There is no doubt that one of the most familiar nerves is Irritation that causes the Shooting pain and also causes tingling pain.
The first Occipital neuralgia is Temporal arteritis:
we can say that it is one condition in that we have damaged or inflamed. This can supply the blood to the brain, There are a lot of symptoms also can be caused by weight loss, hip pain, Shoulder pain and vision impairment.
The Second Occipital neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia:
Here Trigeminal neuralgia is the chronic condition. This condition makes great effects on the nerve. It carries all the sensation from the face to the brain. The stimulation of the slightest on the face can trigger a jolt of serious and hard pain.
Pain at the base of skull left side:
As we talked about Pain at the base of skull top of the neck and The Pain at the base of skull right side Now I will tell you all details about pain at the base of skull left side. Also, this pain has his own causes and symptoms.
Pain at the base of skull Left side Factors and Conditions:
The pain at the base of skull left side can happen upon to a lot of factors and conditions I can write them here in some details:
Lifestyle causes:
The lifestyle has a great effect on your health and some wrong habits can cause pain at the base of skull left side and all of your health as general So you need to stop making wrong lifestyle habits as:
- Putting yourself under stress: Enjoy your life details and Stop Stress yourself
- Drink the alcoholic which contains ethanol or any other Alcohol and Beer.
- Lack of sleep: you have to sleep 8 hours daily.
- The food you eat every day has to be healthy.
Infections and allergies:
The pain at the base of skull left side may be respiratory infections if you had a cold or any other disease as Flu.
Medication overuse:
The Medication Overuse is very harmful and dangerous for your health. So, You have to take care when taking medicine. All Drugs you can Take to treat the pain Also can Cause very hard headache and pain. I will tell You Some of these Drugs.
1- If you take Aspirin, caffeine combined (Excedrin) and acetaminophen.
2- PlusThe naproxen (Naprosyn) Medicine.
3- The Drugs of ibuprofen (Advil).
4- Finally The acetaminophen (Tylenol).
All of the above drugs you have to use under doctor supervision and don’t take any of them more than 3 days to be safe and protect yourself From Pain.
Neurological Conditions and causes:
Living Happy to protect your health. The problems of the nerve can damage your health and your life. The nerve Cause very hard pain at the base of skull left side.
- Occipital Neuralgia: Here as I told you before that The nerve here Run From the spinal cord of your top head to your neck and your skull. This cause hard pain which will remain for some minutes. The basic cause here is irritation which results from the nerve problems.
- The Trigeminal neuralgia: This cause here provides very bad feeling in our face. Nerve here affects the trigeminal nerve which causes the sudden jolt of shock-like pain.
- Giant cell arteritis: This is the very special condition which some doctors called it as temporal arteritis. The basic cause of Giant cell arteritis is inflammation of blood vessels. This condition has in its symptoms the temporal arteries in all the side of your head. The basic Symptoms here can cause also. pain in the jaw, headache, and shoulders along with visual changes.
There are Some Other causes that can Cause Pain at base of skull top of neck or Pain at the base of skull Right Side and Pain at the base of skull Left Side.
In General, Try to Avoid all of the Following Causes to keep Your health better and Enjoy Your life Without any pain:
Tight headgear -High blood pressure- Blood clots (Stroke) and Glaucoma.
Hope the Above Guide was useful For You and Hope to you all health and Happiness.