Causes and Remedies for Shoulder Blade Muscle Pain and Hand Muscle Pain

Shoulder Blade Muscle Pain

Shoulder blade muscle pain and hand muscle pain are very common muscle aches. They are mainly caused by everyday activity, especially if you do it for an extended time. However, these unnoticed muscle pains can be a reference to a more serious medical condition.

Your shoulder isn’t a joint on its own, your muscles form a whole complex; your neck, your scapula, your ribs.

Mostly, people who suffer from shoulder blade muscle pain also complain of pain in hand muscles. We’re going to cover the causes, home treatments, stretches to relieve shoulder blade muscle pain and hand muscle pain in this article.

Shoulder Blade Muscle Pain:

Shoulder blade muscle ache is very common among people who spend most of their daily time lifting heavy objects or sitting at the office working on computers for long periods.

So you might not feel it right away, but it’ll strike after a long time sitting at your desk, carrying a heavy backpack on one shoulder, or even squeezing your phone between your ear and shoulder.

Shoulder Blade Pain Causes:

  • Heavy lifting
  • Always the wrong posture
  • Sitting at chairs and computers long times a day
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Other body aches like spine fractures or cuff tears can also relate to shoulder blade pain.
  • Degenerative disc disease.
  • Scoliosis
  • Osteoarthritis, usually in the joints around the neck, ribs, or spine
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Acid reflux
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Shingles
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Lungs, lymphomas, liver, esophageal cancers
  • Nerve compressions
  • Gallstone, accompanied by nausea and abdomen pain

Not meaning to disturb you but to be well aware of your body pain and it’s treatments you need to have a good knowledge of shoulder pain causes and the symptoms of each condition. Shoulder blade muscles pain can also be a symptom of a heart attack; mostly happens for women. If you experience chest pain, shortness of breath and shoulder muscle pain don’t hesitate to call a medical treatment.

If you experience a sudden sharp and severe pain in the upper middle back the case may be a Thoracic Aorta Rupture. Having a tear in the inner layer of your blood vessel that starts at your heart. This is considered an emergency and you should call a doctor right away. Sometimes the case of shoulder muscle pain is Pulmonary Embolism.

The same symptoms of having a tear; a sudden sharp shoulder pain accompanied by shortness of breath. Call a medical treatment service for immediate help. Your shoulder hurt can be prompted by as easy objects as smooth muscle force, or as dangerous as heart attack or cancer. However, some of these conditions may cause shoulder blade pain on one side.

For instance, Gallbladder disease can cause right shoulder pain whilst heart conditions refer to the left shoulder pain.


Shoulder Blade Muscle Pain Remedies and Treatments:


Practicing sports and exercise:

It’s important to practice a daily physical activity for your overall health. However, exercising can strengthen and also stretch your back and shoulder blades which will reduce the pain.


Such body pain conditions can get even worse because of processed foods that may cause inflammation in your body. It’s better to eat fruits, vegetables, especially foods that contain omega-3, fatty acids, like Salmon.


Sometimes the case isn’t something serious that all you need to do is to rest your body to recover from your back pain

Massage Therapy:

The best technique for me is to massage my shoulder and back muscles. Either a massage therapist or a family member can do the job very well. Massaging the muscles makes them relax, it also works as a quick pain reliever if you’re not planning to see a doctor soon.


These stretching techniques can improve your muscles and joints’ circulation, giving you more mobility and pain relief.

  1. Start by sitting or standing up straight:slightly slouch forward, then correct your position in a straight vertical position with a slight bend to the upper back without pressuring your neck or low back.
  2. Scapular Setting:As easy as it sounds, stand up comfortably, arms relaxing at your side, now move your shoulder blades up, back, and down in a circle way. Make sure you have the right posture during the exercise while holding each position for like ten seconds.
  3. Shoulder Stretches:This exercise is great for shoulder and neck pain caused by sitting at a computer for a long Move your chin forward and slowly backward, tucking it towards your throat. Repeat 10 times
  4. Neck Rolls: Tilt your head right, then down, and left, then reverse to the right. Repeat five times.
  5. Shoulder Rolls: Maintain the proper posture and then roll your shoulders up, back, then down and repeat 10 times. Then reverse to forward rolling for other ten times.


Why Shoulder Blade Pain and Hand Pain Occurs Together?


Shoulder blade pain and hand shock are linked.

If you have shoulder pain and you complain about fingers numbness then the case is most likely a pinched nerve or blood vessel injury.

  • A Pinched Nerve: Also called Cervical Radiculopathy. It occurs during a nerve in the neck is juiced. It causes numbing in the hands and fingers and it affects arm pain, patients describe it as “pins and needles”
  • Brachial Plexus Injury: It causes shoulder pain, arm, and hand pain or numbness. It’s a web of nerves starting in your neck. It controls the feeling and movements of your arms and hands.
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: It causes shoulder and neck pain along with numbness in the fingers. It happens when blood vessels in your collarbone and ribs are squeezed.


Most of us occasionally experience shoulder blade muscle pain and numbness in some parts of our bodies. The causes vary each time, but sometimes the pain is a result of more serious medical conditions. So you need to be well aware of the body pain cases that occur and it’s relativeness of other conditions.

Hand Muscle Pain:

There’s nothing more annoying than a terrible hand painthat’s keeping you from sleep or processing your daily life. The human hand is made of 27 bones and 15 joints. Together, those hand bones and joints enable a wide range of hand, fingers, and wrist movement. When you experience hand joints pain the cases may vary between severe, long-lasting and temporary.

Perhaps your joints are just tired of long time typing on a laptop, in this case, the pain is accompanied by pain between your shoulder blade muscles.

Hand Muscle Pain Causes:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Inflammation
  • Nerve Damage
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries
  • Sprains and Fractures
  • Several Chronic Health Conditions
  • Ganglion cysts
  • Gout
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon
  • Traumatic injury
  • Stenosing tenosynovitis
  • Soft Tissue Tumors (Sarcomas)
There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, so far. However, it is possible to live a long and active life with rheumatoid arthritis, if appropriate rheumatoid arthritis treatment, which includes protection of joints and lifestyle change.

Signs and symptoms appear in small joints, first, Rheumatoid arthritis often causes problems in several joints at the same time.

In the first stage,rheumatoid arthritisusually affects small joints – the wrist joint, hands, ankles and ankles.

Common Hand Muscle Pain Causes:

Other conditions have to do with the nerves like tingling when there’s a lot of pressure near your elbow on the median nerve.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndromeis the most common cause of the unstoppable hand muscle pain. Usually accompanied by Shoulder muscles pain
  • Osteoarthritis is also a common hand muscle pain cause. It occurs when the shock absorbing cartilage in your finger joints gets worn out or damaged.
  • Tendinosis is a series of very small tears in the tissue around the tendon. One familiar indication of this complaint includes decreased strength in the transition of the injured space.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis isoccurring when white blood cells pass, whose normal function is to attack unwanted invaders such as bacteria and viruses from circulation to membranes that encapsulate the joints (synovium).
    Apparently, it is these white blood cells that cause inflammation in the synovial membrane.

    Dupuytren’sis a tissue thickening disease. It causes thickening of the tissue beneath the skin of your palm. Sometimes it causes thickening in the soles of your feet too. The swollen or thickened skin will eventually limit the movement of your fingers.

  • Ganglion Cysts: this annoying jellylike fluid appears as bumps on your wrists and hands, sometimes also in the feet, ankles, and knees, even shoulders.
  • Lupusmeans an autoimmune illness. It causes swelling and a wide range of other symptoms. The symptoms of Lupus vary from mild to severe. They include hair loss, kidney problems, swollen joints, thyroid problems, dry mouth, and

When to Call a Doctor for Hand Joints Pain?

Hand muscles pain can occasionally refer to a serious condition that requires immediate action. In these cases, you should be seeing a doctor to maintain your case and avoid pain development as much as you can.

  • Osteoarthritis is one common hand muscle pain cause. It occurs when the shock absorbing cartilage in your finger joints gets worn out or damaged. Call your doctor if the stiffness remains and the pain develops after two weeks of processing home remedies.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndromedoesn’t always require medical help, but in some cases, the pain just won’t go away. If the pain doesn’t recover with home treatment after two weeks you should call your doctor.
  • Cubital Tunnel Syndromeis developed when pressure on the ulnar nerve is increased. You should call your doctor when you notice severe symptoms such as decreased ability to pinch the little fingers and hand grip or deformity in the joints.
  • Any increased, continuous swelling and stiffness in your hand joints should refer to a serious condition that requires a medical care.

NOTE:You should immediately call an emergency if you’ve suddenly lost feeling in your arms or hands.


Hand Muscle Pain Home Remedies and Treatments:

Consider these home remedies and techniques to relieve hand and wrist pain.

Heat Compressors:

Hot showers can relieve hand muscle stiffness whilst cold compressors can help maintain wrist and thumb pain.

Pain meditations:

You can use pain meditations as a temporary solution for your body pain. But don’t depend on them for long-term use.


Wear a splint to fix the position of your fingers or wrist and settle down the inflammation


A possible solution is to get a corticosteroid injection into a joint in your hands to reduce the inflammation.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAID):

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It blocks the enzymes of pain and swelling and helps relieve hand muscle pain. However, doctors report that it’s not effective for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

NOTE: NSAID isn’t generally recommended since the long-term use of it may lead to stomach bleeding, liver damage, or heart attacks. Instead, use Voltaren for the same purposes and less risk.


Theses stretch techniques will help manage hand joints pain, increase your range of motion and decrease chances of having a surgery.

  1. Make a Fist: Start with your hands straight, make a hook fist, return to straight. Now make a full fist, and return to straight. Then make a straight fist, then get back to a straight hand. Repeat to retain your hand function and manage the pain in hopes of avoiding surgery.
  2. The Claw Stretch:Hold your palm facing your face. Round your fingertips below reaching the base of your finger bones. It’ll look like a little claw. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat four times
  3. Holding a Soft Ball: Squeeze a softball in your palm as hard as you can. Hold it for several seconds then free. Repeat 10 times each hand. Don’t do this stretch if your hand joints are damaged.
  4. Thumb Stretching: Place your palm on a smooth facade, gently straighten your fingers flat against the surface or table. Hold that pose for 30 seconds then free. Remake four times per hand
  5. Wrist flexion: Relax your forearm on a twisted cloth on a table with your hands palm-down dangling off the edge of the table. Gently move your hand upward for a couple of seconds, then return to the same position and repeat until you feel it stretching. Return the similar method with your palm-up.

Medical Advice:

  • Exercise simple, easy and loving for 10 minutes to relax the muscles and change their positions.
  • Do not make too much effort and do not relax your muscles excessively, but just your movement so as not to feel more pain.
  • Take care to eat a very large amount of water, and avoid sugars.

We hope these medical advice had covered several causes and conditions of hand joint pain and shoulder blade pain. Along with the possible home remedies and treatments for both cases. Feel free to ask any question related to hand, shoulder and body pain. We’re always here to help! Have you experienced any shoulder blade muscle pain or hand muscle pain lately?

Comment with your condition and we’ll give you instructions on the best ways to treat and manage your pain!

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